천안함과 충돌한 미국잠수함도 침몰 - 일본 언론이 보도 > 시사,개독관련뉴스

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천안함과 충돌한 미국잠수함도 침몰 - 일본 언론이 보도

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천안함과 충돌한 미국잠수함도 침몰 - 일본 언론이 보도했네요



The Asia-Pacific Journal; Japan Focus


http://www.japanfocus.org/-Tanaka-Sakai/3361   - 출처(일본신문기사)입니다


A US Submarine that sank by the Number 3 Buoy
The sinking of the Cheonan remains unsolved. But around the time of this incident another sinking occurred that has hardly been reported in Japan. Near the site of the sinking of the Cheonan, a colossal object, which appears to be a US submarine, was found to have sunk. An ROK underwater team searched for, and on April 7 South Korea’s KBS TV showed, a US helicopter carrying what seems to be the body of a US soldier. KBS is a public broadcasting station with the highest credibility in South Korea.

제3의 장소에서 침몰한 미국 잠수함

천안함 침몰은 아직 미궁이다. 그러나 그 사고 시각에 또 발생한 다른 침몰은 일본에 거의 알려지지 않았다. 천안함이 침몰한 그 근처에 미국 잠수함으로 보이는 거대한 물체가 침몰한 것으로 확인되었다. 한국 수중팀은 수색을 하였고 남한의 KBS TV 는 미군 헬리콥터가 미군시체로 보이는 것을 운반하는 것을 보도하였다. 
Following the sinking of the Cheonan, in the course of conducting an underwater search, a member of the special unit of the ROK Navy, UDT-SEAL (Underwater Demolition Team, Sea Air Land) Han Joo-ho, lost consciousness and later died. This was a secondary disaster. While collecting information on the death of Warrant Officer Han, KBS learned that his memorial took place neither near where the rear of the ship was found (the first buoy), nor near where the head of the ship was found (second buoy). Rather, it was six kilometers away near the third buoy, between the first and second buoy, that is, at a location that had nothing to do with the Cheonan sinking.



A Suppressed KBS TV Scoop
ROK and US authorities did their best to hide the fact that a US submarine sank at about the same time as the Cheonan. The ROK authorities did not announce the sinking of the US submarine, nor did they call Warrant Officer Han’s death an accident which occurred while searching inside a US submarine. Instead, they announced that he died while searching for Cheonan survivors’ bodies. Warrant Officer Han was honored as a national hero.

통제된 KBS TV 특보

한국과 미국 당국은 천안함과 동시에 미국 잠수함이 침몰한 사실을 숨기기에 최선을 다하였다. 한국 당국은 미국 잠수함의 침몰은 보도하지 않았고 한준위의 사망은 잠수함 내부를 수색하다가 발생한 사고라는 사실도 언급하지 않았다. 그 대신에 천안함 생존자들을 수색하다가 죽었다고 발표하였다. 한준위는 국가 영웅으로 추대 되었다.

South Korean honor guard bearing the coffin of Han Joo-ho

However, the memorial for Warrant Officer Han was performed not at the site of the Cheonan, but at the site of the sunk US submarine. US Ambassador Kathleen Stevens and Commander-in-Chief Walter Sharp of US forces in Korea attended. They praised Han and offered solatium to the bereaved family.  
The attendance by high US officials and monetary payments probably were for the purpose of suppressing anti-American sentiment that might blame the delayed search for Cheonan survivors caused by the precipitous US search for its own victims, resulting in Han falling victim.

그러나 한준위의 장례식은 천안함이 아니라 미군 잠수함 침몰장소에서 거행 되었다. 주한 미국대사 Kathleen Stevens 과 주한 미군사령관 Walter Sharp가 참석하였다. 그들은 한준위를 칭송하였고 유족들에게 위로금을 전달하였다. 미국 관료들의 참석과 위로금의 목적은 미군희생자들의 황급한 수색이 한준위 희생의 원인이 되었고 천안함 생존자들의 수색이 지연되었다는 비난으로 생기는 반미정서를 잠재우기 위한 것이었다. 




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